
Using Zapier for Email Validation

In today’s era of digitalization, e-mail communication is a significant part of our lives. Whether you’re a freelancer communicating with clients or an entrepreneur managing remote teams, it’s imperative to ensure your emails reach the right inbox. This is where Zapier comes in. ¿Cómo funciona Zapier y de qué se trata? Zapier, an online automation … Read more

Pricing model

Verificaremails offers a very simple pricing model, where you only pay for the services you consume. To start using a verification service, you must purchase a pack. These packs have no registration fee, you only pay for the amount of credits you consume. These credits can only be used for one service. For example, if … Read more

Interpreting the results of a phone number verification

In this video you will see in a concise way how to interpret the results of a phone number verification. Remember that the complete documentation to interpret the results is available at: Documentation API Verification Phones The main values of the telephone verification are: id Type Value Null Description id string Unique ID of the … Read more

Video Email Verification Services

In this video we quickly summarize how to use the email verification services to verify email addresses individually with the Web form, massively via files or through the API.

How to verify my emails with an Excel file – Only old platform

In this video you will learn how to verify your emails using an Excel file. This procedure is indicated for those users of the old Verificaremail platform who still have credits in their account. Please remember that to verify your contacts you must use the new platform, because apart from more services we have improved … Read more

Migration of API calls to verify emails to the new platform

To migrate the verification service you must modify the call URLs to the new verification platform. The old platform used https://app.verificaremails.com/api/verifyEmail?secret=”.$key.”&email=”.$emai The new URLs for GET requests are: https://dashboard.verificaremails.com/myapi/email/validate/single?auth-token=123456789&term=antxon.pous%40gmail.com   Call documentation is available. You can test it by adding a token on the test page. https://dashboard.verificaremails.com/documentation/index.html?v=3 Token: 123456789   curl -X ‘GET’ \ ‘https://dashboard.verificaremails.com/myapi/email/validate/single?auth-token=123456789&term=antxon.pous%40gmail.com’ … Read more

How to convert JSON data to Excel columns

In this video we are going to see how to convert JSON data into Excel columns. Once you have verified your data, you will see that the results column has a JSON format. We offer the validation data in JSON format to give greater freedom in its exploitation either by using tools such as Excel … Read more

Using Postman for the Verificaremails API

For those of you who prefer Postman to make calls to the APi, you can download the library via the button below. These are the same API calls of Verificaremails but prepared with the Postman format. The most interesting option is the automatic code generation enabled by Postman.

How to use the widget to validate forms

At Verificaremails we have developed a widget to validate forms that allows you to verify in real time the data you capture through Web forms. Using our wizard you can implement verification services on any web form to verify emails, validate phone numbers, postal addresses, names and surnames. Where should I create the Widget to … Read more