
Interpreting the results of a phone number verification

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In this video you will see in a concise way how to interpret the results of a phone number verification.

Remember that the complete documentation to interpret the results is available at: Documentation API Verification Phones

The main values of the telephone verification are:

id Type Value Null Description
id string Unique ID of the request.
cost float Number of tokens used in the verification.
phone_number string Phone number in E.164 format.
number_type string Type of telephone number (landline or mobile) Number types
timezone string Time zone where the number was originally assigned. In no case does it trace the time zone where the user is located at the time of verification.
is_ported bool Indicates whether the number has been ported. Null is displayed if this information is not available.
reachable string Accessibility is indicated at the precise moment of verification. For more information see Reachability State.
imsi string International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). Unique identifier associated with the SIM card. IMSI availability depends on the mobile operator of the card.
format.e164 string The number in E.164 format.
format.international string The number in international format.
format.national string The number in national format.
format.rfc3966 string The number formatted in RFC3966 format.
original_network.country_iso2 string The country code (ISO2) where the number was originally assigned.
original_network.country_prefix string The international calling prefix where the number was originally assigned.
original_network.area string The name of the area where the number was assigned.
original_network.mccmnc string Five or six characters MCCMNC (mobile country code + mobile network code tuple) identifying the original network that issued the number.
original_network.mcc string Three MCC (mobile country code) characters identifying where the network where the number was issued.
original_network.mnc string Two or three MNC (mobile network code) characters identifying the network where the number was issued.
original_network.network_name string Name of the operator that issued the number, if this information is available.
current_network.country_iso2 string Code of the country (ISO2) where the number is currently assigned.
current_network.country_prefix string The international prefix where the number is currently assigned.
current_network.area string Name of the area where the number is currently assigned, if this information is available.
current_network.mccmnc string Five or six characters MCCMNC (mobile country code + mobile network code tuple) identifying the network where the number currently belongs.
current_network.mcc string Three MCC (mobile country code) characters identifying the country where the number currently belongs.
current_network.mnc string Two or three MNC (mobile network code) characters identifying the network where the number currently belongs.
current_network.network_name string The name of the operator where the number is currently assigned, if this information is available.
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