
Definitive guide to validate mail and ensure its authenticity

guía para validar correos electrónicos

In today’s digital age, validating email and ensuring its authenticity has become a priority to avoid fraud and fake identities. At Verificaremails, we have introduced an effective tool to check emails, especially those related to shipments and package deliveries, offering an additional layer of security to our users. By verifying the legitimacy of the emails they receive, our users can effectively protect themselves against phishing attempts and ensure the security of their digital information. It is essential to be cautious, particularly with emails that do not include a unique code, as this could be indicative of an attempt to defraud.

Our commitment at Verificaremails is to provide users with the necessary tools not only to check if an email exists, but also to confirm its security and authenticity. Through our platform, we facilitate the process with simple steps to verify emails, reflecting our ongoing efforts to combat fraud and protect our digital ecosystem.
. This article will discuss in detail how to validate and check emails effectively, ensuring that our users stay safe online.

What is Email Verification?

Email verification is a process designed to ensure that email addresses on a list are linked to an active mailbox, which is essential for maintaining clean and efficient mailing lists.
. This process can be broken down into several critical stages to understand its importance and operation:

  1. Classification of E-mail Addresses

    • Valid
      Confirmed as associated to an active mailbox.

    • Invalid
      They are not associated to any active mailbox.

    • Risky
      Addresses that may be valid but present certain risks, such as role or temporary emails.

    • Role-based
      Assigned to a group or department and not to a specific person.

    • Temporary
      Temporary: Addresses created to be used for a short period of time.

  2. Verification Methods

    • Syntax Validation
      Ensures that the e-mail complies with the correct syntax, using the Request for Comments Rules (RFCs) to validate the structure and format of the e-mail.

    • Domain Verification
      Includes review of the Mail Exchange (MX) record to confirm that the email is registered and located in a valid domain.

    • Mailbox Check
      : Sending a test mail to verify its successful delivery

  3. Benefits of Email Verification

    • Improve Deliverability
      Ensures that emails reach their intended recipients, while maintaining a good sender reputation.

    • Positive ROI
      By ensuring that emails reach their intended recipients, the impact of email campaigns is maximized.

    • Maintaining a Clean List
      Regular verification helps maintain a low bounce rate, which contributes to a good domain reputation and better email deliverability.

At Verificaremails, we understand the importance of having effective tools that simplify this process, ensuring that our users can validate emails quickly and reliably. Our focus is on providing a comprehensive solution that not only validates the existence of email addresses, but also ensures the quality and security of our users’ mailing lists.

The Importance of Verifying Email Addresses

At Verificaremails, we deeply understand the importance of verifying email addresses to maintain effective communication and avoid problems such as low delivery rates, damage to the sender’s reputation and low open rates.
. Through email verification, we ensure that messages reach real people interested in our products or services, thus increasing the likelihood of converting them into quality leads.[11]. This is critical in today’s digital environment, where efficiency and precision in communication can make all the difference in the success of our marketing strategies.

  • Maintaining Clean Lists
    Regular email verification allows us to focus on responsive subscribers and get clearer insights on how recipients interact with our messages.
    . This is crucial to maintaining healthy email databases and ensuring continued engagement with our customers.[14].

  • Improved Deliverability and Sender Reputation
    Proper email authentication helps build a positive sender reputation, which influences how email service providers handle incoming messages.[12]. This helps to bypass spam filters, increasing the likelihood that our emails will reach the intended recipient, which translates into higher open rates and deliverability.[13].

In addition, we implement email verification tools that allow us to maintain error-free lists, optimize our marketing efforts, improve security and build stronger relationships with our customers.[14]. Mailing list verification is crucial to avoid unfortunate consequences such as account suspension, poor marketing results, wasted money, and more
. Therefore, at Verificaremails, we adopt practices such as regular cleaning and maintenance of mailing lists, as well as the implementation of strategies to prevent typographical errors in email addresses collected through web forms.
. This not only ensures high engagement and deliverability, but also improves the quality of our mailing list and verifies addresses before sending campaigns, which is a good practice in email management.

Common Methods for Email Verification

At Verificaremails, we use several techniques to ensure the validity of emails, thus optimizing the effectiveness of our communication and marketing campaigns. Below are some of the most common methods we use for email verification:

  1. Sending a Test Email
    • It is the most direct method but requires a response from the recipient to confirm its validity.



  2. Verification of Email Domain
    • Involves analysis of the domain associated with the e-mail address. We use online tools to perform this task, ensuring that the domain is legitimate and active.[16].

  3. Use of E-mail Verification Tools
    • These tools apply up-to-date algorithms and databases to determine whether an e-mail address is valid. They also offer additional information such as domain validity and verification against spam lists.[16].

To conduct effective verification, we follow a structured process that includes:

  • Collection of the e-mail address to be verified.
  • Selection of the most appropriate verification method according to the case.
  • Implementation of the chosen method: send a test email, verify the domain, or use a verification tool.
  • Evaluation of the results of the verification to take the necessary actions.



It is crucial to understand that verification of the existence of an e-mail address does not guarantee successful delivery of a message. Some addresses may be inactive or blocked, and we must always respect privacy and data protection rules during the verification process.[16]. Therefore, at Verificaremails, in addition to validating the existence of the addresses, we ensure that our mailing lists are error-free and optimized for our marketing efforts, thus improving security and building stronger relationships with our customers.[16].

How to Choose an Email Verification Tool

When choosing an email verification tool, it is essential to consider several key factors to ensure that it fits the specific needs of our marketing and communication strategy. At Verificaremails, we recommend focusing on the following aspects:

  • Accuracy and Speed
    Accuracy is critical to avoid bounces and ensure that messages reach their intended recipients. Look for tools with high accuracy rates, such as those offering accuracy rates of 95% to 99.9%.[19][20][21][22][23]. In addition, processing speed is crucial for high-volume campaigns, so tools with fast processing times, such as 7 minutes for full list verification, are preferable.[19].

  • Integration and Compatibility
    The tool should integrate seamlessly with existing platforms such as CRM systems and email marketing platforms. Look for tools that offer integration with a wide range of platforms, including more than 80 different options.[20][21][22][23]. This facilitates efficient mailing list management and improves marketing campaign automation.

  • Compliance with GDPR and Other Regulations
    In the era of data protection, it is crucial to choose a tool that ensures compliance with privacy regulations, such as GDPR. Tools that offer GDPR compliance and other security certifications are essential to protect customer information and avoid penalties.[21][22][23].

In addition, it is important to consider pricing models to ensure that the tool fits the available budget. Flexible pricing models are available, such as pay-per-use, monthly plans and free trials, making it possible to find an option that fits the specific needs of each company.[19]. Also, the possibility of verifying not only e-mails, but also telephone numbers, names and addresses at a global level, adds additional value to the selected tool, allowing a comprehensive verification of contact data.[18].

In conclusion, when selecting an email verification tool, it is important to consider accuracy, speed, integration, support, security and pricing model. These factors will ensure that the selected tool will improve the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, optimize mailing list management and comply with data protection regulations. At Verificaremails, we are committed to offer solutions that meet these criteria, ensuring that our clients have the best tools to validate emails and improve their digital communication strategies.


The importance of validating and ensuring the authenticity of email in the digital age cannot be underestimated. Throughout this article, we have thoroughly broken down how at Verificaremails we provide effective tools to validate emails, emphasizing the significant contribution this has in protecting against fraud and improving the security of digital information. We have reiterated that our primary goal is to offer our users optimized digital security, ensuring that every email they receive has been verified for legitimacy, which is crucial to staying safe online and preserving the integrity of our vital information.

Recognizing the relevance of maintaining clean and efficient mailing lists through regular mail verification has also been highlighted as a crucial factor in improving deliverability and sender reputation. For this reason, we invite users to take proactive measures to improve the security of their digital communications. The collective effort to ensure the authenticity of e-mail addresses not only enhances the effectiveness of our communication strategies, but also strengthens our relationships with customers, ensuring that they are kept informed and safe. For those interested in verifying the veracity of an email address, Verificaremails offers a comprehensive and reliable solution that guarantees accurate results and enhanced security in every digital interaction.

Remember that you can use our service to verify emails for free if you register on our website.


How can I check if an e-mail is authentic?

To verify the authenticity of an email, use the Email Verifier available on the Correos website or in the Information Security section of the Customer Service portal. You must enter your email address and the code at the bottom of the email you received and then click CHECK.

What steps should I take to ensure that an e-mail is valid?

To validate the validity of an email, you must:

  • Carefully examine the sender of the email, specifically the “From” field.
  • Check to whom the email is addressed in the “To” or “To” field.
  • Verify the links included in the message to make sure they are legitimate.
  • Observe the way the mail is written, paying attention to unusual spelling or stylistic errors.
  • Be cautious with attachments, making sure they are from reliable sources.

What does e-mail authentication consist of?

E-mail authentication is a procedure that confirms that an e-mail message has been sent by the person or entity listed as the sender. This process is carried out by means of communication between e-mail servers that exchange messages to establish the veracity of the sender.

What does it mean to validate an e-mail address?

Validating an e-mail address means performing a process that determines whether the address provided is correct and operational. This process helps to identify and correct typos and other problems that could result in sending messages to incorrect addresses or receiving bounced mail.


[1] -https://www.correos.es/es/es/atencion-al-cliente/seguridad-de-la-informacion/verificador-de-email
[2] -https://www.benchmarkemail.com/es/blog/verificacion-de-emails-que-como-y-por-que/
[3] -https://blog.safetymails.com/es/validez-correos-electronicos/
[4] -https://blog.findthatlead.com/es/guia-verificacion-emails
[5] -https://www.byronvargas.com/web/como-saber-si-una-direccion-de-email-es-valida/
[6] -https://snov.io/blog/es/que-es-la-verificacion-de-email/
[7] -https://www.usebouncer.com/es/que-es-la-verificacion-del-correo-electronico-y-por-que-es-importante/
[8] -https://www.acrelianews.com/es/glossary/verificador-de-emails/
[9] -https://mailmeteor.com/es/glosario/validacion-de-email
[10] -https://sendpulse.com/latam/support/glossary/email-verifier
[11] -https://es.linkedin.com/pulse/c%C3%B3mo-la-validaci%C3%B3n-de-correo-electr%C3%B3nico-puede-tus-bonner-barbosa
[12] -https://automationlayer.com/importancia-autenticacion-correo-electronico-email-marketing/
[13] -https://blog.safetymails.com/es/beneficios-validacion-correo-electronico/
[14] -http://prsync.com/verificaremailscom/breve-gua-sobre-la-importancia-de-la-verificacin-del-correo-electrnico-3958130/
[15] -https://support.focus.teamleader.eu/es/support/solutions/articles/7000050741-faq-por-qu%C3%A9-es-importante-que-cada-usuario-tenga-una-direcci%C3%B3n-de-email-%C3%BAnica-y-verificada-
[16] -https://www.byronvargas.com/web/como-saber-si-existe-un-correo-electronico/
[17] -https://www.mdirector.com/blog/comprueba-autenticidad-emails/
[18] -https://www.verificaremails.com/como-verificar-correos-electronicos/
[19] -https://www.lemlist.com/es/blog/mejores-herramientas-de-verificacion-de-correo-electronico
[20] -https://mailvibes.io/es/verificacion-correos-electronicos/
[21] -https://www.emailvendorselection.com/es/herramientas-para-verificar-correos-electronicos/
[22] -https://apix-drive.com/es/blog/reviews/herramientas-de-verificacion-de-correo-electronico
[23] -https://www.mikestuzzi.com/es/las-mejores-herramientas-de-verificacion-de-correo-electronico/
[24] -https://mailmeteor.com/es/glosario/verificacion-del-email
[25] -https://www.infordisa.com/soc/como-verificar-la-autenticidad-de-un-correo-electronico/